Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Track, Track, and more TRACK AND FIELD! - Day 5

Here are the highlights of today's performance and the videos of the controversial Women's 800m race.
The IAAF is questioning the Femininity of the RSA's Athlete, Semenya Caster, winner of the race, who finished 2"45 after Kenyan Athlete, Janeth Jepkosgei Busienei.

Here is the video of the race.

Day 5 was another great day for Jamaican Superman, Usain Bolt, who cam first in the semi-finals of the Men's 200m race. This guy does not stop amazing me. I mean, the guy JOGGED at the end of the race, while the others were busting their asses to get a place on the final.
I love to watch him run!!!!
The big final is tomorrow, and Usain is expected to beat the world record and run each one of the 100m sections below 10"!

Here is the video of this race. Go Bolt Go!!!!!

Here is the video of Usain talking after the culmination of the race:

Enjoy and stay tuned for more comments :D

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