Definitely exam time is the best time to blog about more interesting things, such as music and new album releases.
Oh boy, where to start!? Oh yes, the almighty Cradle of Filth... ^.^
Personal perspective:
Since the release of Midian (2000) I have been skeptical about their new musical direction. Damnation and a Day (2004) had a few interesting songs but not enough to make a tremendous impact (no point of comparison between their earlier albums, of course). Then, there was Nymphetamine... which is when I really started to question whether or not to give up on their music completely, as they seemed to be focusing on selling albums rather than making real music. The only track I would save from that album would be Nymphetamine (Overdose); the rest are really fillings and a way to justify the release of an album. After that there was HOPE, or at least that's what I thought at first, with the release of Thornography, but once again I was not completely sold on it. I enjoy listening to songs such as Dirge Inferno, The Byronic Man, The Foetus of a New Day kicking and for a while Temptation, but at this point I wonder if my acceptance for those songs has to do with my loyalty to the band vs. whether or not I really like those songs. Regardless, I have kind of gotten used to listen to them.

As I was hoping that some weird ass miracle would take place and they would come to their senses eventually, before releasing a new album, Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder came out when I was least expecting it. I listened to it once, twice, three, four.... and who knows how many times, really, and I could not find it attractive! Aside from the theme behind it (and the whole Gilles de Rais story narrated by the spectacular voice of Doug Bradley), there was NOTHING appealing about it, not even the artwork... To tell you the truth I was hoping for great raw-ass-demented COF but once again they had let me down. Out of loyalty, and aside the fact that I was interviewing Mr. Dani Filth himself on January 20th 2009, I went to the show ready to rock on but to my disappointment (and to illustrate the discontentment of the crowd) I was the only one screaming for an encore (very sad indeed). That night Satyricon stole the show completely and even though my beloved COF (yes, I am still loyal to them) was the main act, at least 40% of the audience was gone before they were done their set. I think you got the picture.

Anyway, back to discography and possible HOPE. I just found out that the band had released their ninth studio album titled Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa about a month ago. I have been kind of too busy to keep track of new music, so I got very excited when I found out about it! Before listening to some of the main tracks, I stumbled upon a few interesting reviews where the album seems to be that very-expected comeback. This build up even more expectations and right now I am glad I chose the right track to begin with: Lilith Immaculate Comments: Truly refreshing, indeed! That makes me think that not everything has been lost. I have been listening to the other tracks of the album and they are very decent. I am very VERY content at the moment with my recent discovery, HOWEVER there is one thing that already bothered me (well, actually two things): "Forgive me Father (I have Sinned) and ITS TACKY VIDEO! Yes, we know you guys are doing incredibly but honestly, could you not have come up with something more creative? High Definition does not automatically make it better. I would much rather you used the same quality of The Ghost in the Fog, which looks a lot more macabre and authentic (for lack of a better term).
As usual, I am willing to give Cradle a second chance (or this may actually be the fifth or sixth chance I give them) to get their act together and to stop messing around with ways to make their music more appealing to a general audience. I will be at the Sound Academy on February 26th 2011, hoping to see the COF that made me fall in love with songs such as From Cradle to Enslave, The Forest Whispers my Name, To Eve the art of Witchcraft, A Gothic Romance, Malice Through the Looking Glass, Haunted Shores, Cruelty Brought Three Orchids, Her Ghost in the Fog, Creatures that Kissed the Cold Mirrors among many other great classics. The same Cradle of Filth that made me say WOW to Hollowed be Thy Name, which got me into countless arguments with many Iron Maiden fans about which one is better (I will always think that COF outdid that cover!).
Quoting an old saying: "Amanecera y veremos..."

Dre - dnklschwrz -2010
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