Greetings readers,
I stumbled upon what I see as the most rational blueprints of my life, adopted from the LHP philosophy. I thought it would be of many's best interests for me to share them, thus la-voilà:
1. Nature encompasses all that exists. There is nothing supernatural in nature other than consciousness, which is explicitly unnatural.
2. I am both matter and consciousness, a body and a psyche, an animal and an isolated intelligence.
3. Reason and intuition are my tools for cognition, making faith an anathema. I test all beliefs through questioning, skepticism, and extrasensory ways of knowing that may be unique to me as an individual.
4. I strive for a middle path in all things, seeing the greatest wisdom in moderation, except in circumstances where moderation is impossible.
5. The universe is neither benevolent or malevolent; it is indifferent.
6. There are no Gods; I am an atheist.
7. There is no intrinsic purpose to life. I determine its meaning for myself, according to my perception of it.
8. I decide what is of value. I am my own highest value; therefore, I am my own god. I am an I-theist.
9. Good is that which benefits me and promotes that which I esteem. Evil is that which harms me and hinders that which I cherish. I live to maximize the good for myself and those who I value.
10. At all times I remain in control of my pursuit of pleasure; I am an Epicurian.
11. My perception of merit is that which determines my criteria for the judgment of myself and others. I judge and am prepared to be judged.
12. I seek human justice, recognizing that it is neither perfect nor kind, much like humans themselves. I seek a just outcome in my exchanges with those around me. I thus will do onto others as I would prefer they do onto me. However, if they treat me poorly, I shall return that behaviour in the like degree.
13. I grasp the human need for symbols as a means for distillation of the complex thought structures of meta-communication.
14. I see myself reflected in the sum of my life experiences insofar as I can grasp their import. I am a product of my history. Therefore, I regret nothing and celebrate the life I have lead, whether it has been pleasant or not.
15. Though I may join groups, I am always, first and foremost, dedicated to my own unique experience–its history and future.
16. I do not accept false dichotomies, finding instead a "third side" which brings me closest to understanding the mysteries of existence.
Fraulein Andrea
Dre-dnklschwrz MMXI