The distress of a life full of commitment
By: Dre.
First realization of a life well-lived: the ability to stand upon one’s established reinforcements; not only physical, but also emotional. This is where the rest of one’s life begins. The realization of time past is not as simple as it may appear; however, once experienced, this can be as basic as grade 9 math. For the mind of the meek, the reality of existence is only the confirmation of everything one can stand for. This, by itself, supports one’s entire purpose in life.
The beauty about the human mind can be as intriguing as possible, as well as wonderful and yqt quite simple. It is composed of all those different approaches about the so-called psych. It’s not a defined concept, but nevertheless, cannot be underestimated. To understand the realizations live itself gives to every individual, one has to come to realize its purpose on this earth. It can get pretty complicated, since there are those who seem to be stuck within the paradigm of life being a dream… an illusion, rather than a reality. Therefore, this only gives the easy access to such a wonderful experience. And, what for? Sometimes, I just seem to think that that concept is just an easy way to avoid questions such as why and what for?
In order to assign, rather than just giving a concrete term to one’s meaning in life, one has to describe it, before answering all those questions that seem to bother some of us to a certain extend. To those who are so basic not to bother, well… this episode may not be suited for your intellect. Don’t get me wrong; I may be the one wasting my time, and at the end, we are all the same… or not?
Second realization of a life well-lived: a purpose. A well-defined purpose. There is nothing better than realizing and being fully conscious of what one can be useful for, and then achieve one’s deepest desires. These can be to some extend idealistic, but nevertheless, they are still dreams. There is nothing wrong with dreaming, right? There is everything wrong with mentally handicapping one’s self, right?
Now days, it just seems so normal to say: “Morgen, Morgen, nur nicht Heute” and at the end we are all the same, correct? This applies to every single aspect within our daily lives. Love, relationships, work, money, living, eating, exercising, and the list could pretty much continue to go on… right? Why does it have to be this way? Why not bothering to get something done in time, or even before a given time. The answer is rather simple: there is a lack of purpose. We are all going to die, so what for? The point I’m trying to make right now is, what if we do not die, as we so impatiently expect to? I never told him I loved him, and why? Simple, because I was afraid of spoiling something that TIME would only attribute. And then, what? I regret not doing it! I regret not fucking the living shit out of him! I regret… I regret… I regret. Yes, after regret comes the lesson given by experienced lived. It was still as tough as rock, but I’m still alive, as much as I wished with all my remaining strength to be buried meters below the core of magma in the middle of planet earth. Experiences such as this give you a purpose that becomes the core of the second realization of a difficult experience.
Third realization of a life well-lived: acceptance of mistakes; the world is yours. The world is only so big, as I always repeat to myself, anytime I find it necessary. Ups and downs enable you to realize that you are alive, and that you feel. It can be painful or rewarding; it can completely drain you, or it can fill you up and get you high on life as a kite. But these are what make us more human than ever: the realization of a piece of humanity. This is exactly why life cannot be a dream. Dreams occur for us to experience them, to get some sort of bizarre insight from them, however, once they are over, c’est fini! After dying alive, you are still alive and it hurts, and the more you wish it ends, the more you rot alive…ALIVE! And it doesn’t only happen once; it repeats its course over and over again. For a new eon to be created, destruction has to occur. Thank god, or whatever you believe in, for the suffering received with every dusk, the suffering that accompanies you after dawn. Thank something for all the tears shed after being devastated. Whether or not it was in vain, it was meant to happen sooner or later.
Once you are ready to stand up for the thirtieth time, the world is only so big. Manage it at your own personal taste. Do it as you please. Who cares about altruistic love… this love shouldn’t be given by petty. Think of all those times you sacrificed yourself in vain for absolutely nothing. Why can’t others do the same?
Fourth realization of a life well-lived: stand up for yourself! Stand even against those who stood for you, if they do not believe you are capable of greater changes around you. Believe in the ones that one you to fail, since they know you can succeed. Stop doing things half done. Remember to think big, act small and deliver quickly. That is the key to success.
And chala la la, life goes on…